Our agency was originally known as Westmoreland County Sheltered Workshop, with its inception in 1960. During the first year of operation, the workshop was located in the basement of the First Lutheran Church in Greensburg, PA. The program was limited primarily to an activities and day care orientation which served only 10 people under the supervision of a single professional.
In 1961, the workshop was relocated to a semi-industrial building at 41 Jefferson Street in Greensburg. The program continued with 12 workers and a professional staff of a Director and one Work Supervisor. The caseload expanded slowly over the next few years to a maximum of 30 workers in 1963.
In April of 1966, the workshop administratively reorganized into a non-profit corporation with a board of directors representing a cross-section of community leaders. In November of that year, the workshop moved to 950 Highland Avenue.
The agency moved again in July of 1986 to a facility on South Greengate Road. Later, the agency constructed a new facility in the Hempfield Industrial Park. Then in June of 1990, the agency moved into its new and present location.
The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) has been purchasing services from the agency over many decades. In 2005, the agency was successful in negotiation services with the Westmoreland County MH/MR Program, now the Westmoreland Behavioral Health & Developmental Services, and has grown that program since that time. |