Supportive Employment
Supportive Employment Services are provided in a variety of community employment work sites for the purposes of finding and supporting individuals in competitive jobs of their choice. Individuals receive paid employment at minimum wage or higher from the employer. Service is provided to individuals who need additional support to perform in a work setting, which includes supervision and training needed by the individual in order to obtain and sustain paid work.
Supportive Employment Services consist of two components: Job Finding and Job Support. Job Finding activities may include interview assistance, employer outreach and orientation, resume preparation, job searching, development of job seeking skills, support to learn job tasks, and outreach with prospective employers on behalf of the individual (including consultation on tax advantages and other benefits).
Job Support consists of training the individual receiving the service on job assignments, periodic follow-up and/or ongoing support with individuals and their employers. The service must be necessary for the individual to maintain acceptable job performance and work habits including assistance in learning new work assignments, maintaining job skills, & achieving performance expectations of the employer.
Job Coaching
This program works with the individual who is ready for competitive employment and does not need services other than to assist in job exploration and development, completing applications and resume assistance, on-the-job training, and intervention and follow-up to maintain employment.
The goal is to train an individual who is job ready at a community employment setting. The objectives are to provide intense training to person who has not been able to achieve competitive employment at a specific job site, be able to meet demands of required job tasks, work with employer on issues to promote individuals abilities, and provide follow-up services.
Sheltered Employment
Sheltered Employment provides work and therapeutic activities for individuals whose physical or mental challenges that prevent competitive employment at this time. The sheltered work setting is designed to enable the individual to move out of the rehabilitation facility into competitive employment or into a higher level rehabilitation program.
Work Based Learning Experiences
Work Based Learning Experiences will be provided experiences to gain knowledge and skills needed to obtain competitive integrated employment or transition to post-secondary training. This service is valuable for individuals whom are looking for assistance in job exploration and development, in completing applications and resume assistance, and with on the job training and other interventions and follow-up leading to employment based experiences.
Once an OVR referral for this service is received, RCW staff will meet and arrange with the customer a work based learning experience. This process will engage the customer, with RCW staff, in an assessment meeting, communication with potential employers, applications, interviews or employers meetings, and communications with the student and their support team. RCW staff can then arrange for and assist in a work based learning experience based on the customer interests, skills, and abilities. The Work Based Learning Experience is performed at actual competitive, integrated environment sites. This will assess the customer’s preferences, abilities, and behaviors for vocational planning purposes. RCW staff will provide site facilitation of the experience with the employer. The on-site supervision and coordination of the WBLE will ensure student safety and communication with the employer. RCW will communicate any problems or issues with the student, OVR counselor, and school district.